By downloading AndChat we can chat on IRC while we're connected to several servers at the same time. Download AndChat right now for Android devices
App Information
App: AndChat Android
Version: Updated
Size: 535 KB
This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.
Make the most of the IRC chat service with AndChat, a multiserver client for Android with which you'll have access to thousands of chat channels about almost any topic offered by IRC. Features Quick channel switcher. Ignore list. Connection to several servers. Chat logs. Typing log. Support for several usernames. Notifications. Access protected by encryption. IRC, short for Internet Relay Chat, offers us a minimalistic chat system that uses its own network access protocols. Among its features we have to point out its great speed and its endless amount of channels and users available to start chatting. Make the most of all these features thanks to AndChat for Android.
A multiserver IRC client for Android
Size: 535 KB
OS: Android
Status: FREE