Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Download Ghost Detector Android latest Version

Download Ghost Detector Android latest Version

Ghost Detector is a ghost-detecting app for Android phones and tablets. You can use it to register paranormal activity and find any ectoplasm around you 

App Information

App: Ghost Detector Android

Version: Updated

Size: 68.4 MB

This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

Ghost Detector Android

Do you believe in ghosts like your brother-in-law and your workmates? Then you need to download the Ghost Detector app to detect ghosts, but only the ectoplasmic kind. Because there are other kinds of ghosts that it can’t pick up, like poltergeists and funnel ghosts. Radar to detect ghosts around you The way it works is very simple: just walk following the radar and go towards it shows that it has detected something. Across the room, you will be able to see the specter on the screen… and communicate with it because it has the capacity to exchange messages, without needing an Ouija board or anything else, be careful. And to put you in the mood, it has a selection of horror stories. So, it’s a great way of passing the time like Iker JimĂ©nez does in his program (but he gets paid for doing it, don’t forget), but just to point out that the only ghosts you are going to find around you, and not necessarily in this order or even by using the app, are the following: runners, tennis players, culture geeks, weekend cyclists… But be careful of using it on your own in the dark, because you only have to read the reviews to see that people can give themselves a bit of a scare if they’re not thinking completely straight when they use this app. Maybe getting your brother-in-law to download it wouldn’t be such a bad idea.  

Ghost detector for Android 

Size: 68.4 MB 

OS: Android   

Status: FREE 

Download Ghost Detector Android here