Monday, September 24, 2018

Download Transparent Clock & Weather Android latest Version

Download Transparent Clock & Weather Android latest Version

Get hold of one of the most interesting and complete clock and weather applications for Android phones and tablets with Transparent Clock & Weather 

App Information

App: Transparent Clock & Weather Android

Version: Updated

Size: 19.5 MB

This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

Transparent Clock & Weather Android

The Android application Transparent Clock & Weather is digital clock that also shows you detailed information about the weather forecast so that you're never caught out by the rain or burning sun. It has never been so easy to customize a weather widget. By installing the APK of this application on your smartphone or tablet, as well as being able to access the essential information offered by any application of this nature, you can also place a totally customizable widget, both in size and aspect, on your home screen. Main features of Transparent Clock & Weather With regard to the time: Fully customizable digital clock to not lose the notion of time. Time in different places around the world: local time and time zone. Different fonts to customize the clock. Multiple calendar options. In terms of the weather: Current weather in several locations. Weather forecast for the next 4 days. Current, maximum and minimum temperature of the day in Celsius or Fahrenheit. Rain, humidity and wind conditions.  

Time and weather in the same place 

Size: 19.5 MB 

OS: Android   

Status: FREE 

Download Transparent Clock & Weather Android here