Thursday, October 25, 2018

Download LOLita Android latest Version

Download LOLita Android latest Version

On LOLita, you will find thousands of funny memes and jokes from Egypt and other countries in the Arab world, and you can share them on your social networks 

App Information

App: LOLita Android

Version: Updated

Size: 44 MB

This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

LOLita Android

It doesn't matter where you are from: everyone likes to laugh (or at least, almost everyone). In fact, one of the most successful applications in Egypt and other Arabic-speaking countries is LOLita, an app that gathers countless funny memes and jokes, especially videos, with a layout that is similar to a social network. Discover the latest funny videos and jokes On LOLita, you can explore trending content and what is making people laugh. Videos of jokes, absurd falls, pranks... you will be able to see what is trending or follow what other users share. Many of them are taken from different sources such as TikTok, a very prolific funny short video social network. These are the main features this app has to offer: Discover classic memes and trending ones by exploring the app's categories. Register as a user and share your own content. Comment on content shared by other users. Follow specific users and stay in the loop about everything they share.  

The best memes from Egypt and the Arab world 

Size: 44 MB 

OS: Android   

Status: FREE 

Download LOLita Android here