Saturday, December 1, 2018

Download Classic Anatomy Android latest Version

Download Classic Anatomy Android latest Version

How much do you know about human anatomy? Compete against your friends or against yourself in Classic Anatomy, a didactic quiz about the human body 

App Information

App: Classic Anatomy Android

Version: Updated

Size: 21.1 MB

This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

Classic Anatomy Android

We all studied anatomy at school, but do you remember anything? Now you can find out in a really fun way – by playing. Discover how much you know about parts of the body. The didactic quiz for learning more about the human body. That’s life, it’s pain and pleasure The free version of Classic Anatomy includes a set of questions with two play modes: the touch test and the text test. In the first you will have to touch the part of the body indicated, while in the second you will have to write the name of the muscle or bone shown. There is a range of categories that will put your anatomical knowledge to the test: Bones and joints Muscles Organs Nervous system This interesting game features a very attractive and old-fashioned design style, which matches the topic really well. In addition, the drawings of the human body are very cool. Meanwhile, you can configure the game by changing the language of the anatomical terminology (to English, Spanish, German, French, Chinese, Japanese, Russian and Korean), enjoy sound effects, and online scores. If you are competitive, register a user name and take part in the regional and international table. So, check out your anatomical knowledge and then go about learning what you don’t already know through play and quizzes on this very amenable app. A teacher once told me that fun is a serious business because it is the easiest way to learn.  

Play with human anatomy 

Size: 21.1 MB 

OS: Android   

Status: FREE 

Download Classic Anatomy Android here