Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Download Chicisimo for iPhone

Download Chicisimo for iPhone

Download Chicisimo 1.12.6 For iPhone

Chicisimo is the official application of the community where millions of people share their ideas to dress well following the latest fashion trends

Don't know what to wear or you're just not too good at matching colors and clothes? Then Chicisimo is the iPhone and iPad application you might need to get out of a tight spot in terms of clothing fashion.

The idea behind this app is quite simple: it has been conceived to show its users the best looks at present so they're always in fashion, with different clothes combinations that won't leave anyone cold. There are suggestions for all ages and conditions: summer, winter, pregnant women and also for men.

Chicisimo For iPhone Details

  • Name : Chicisimo
  • Size: 84.7 MB 
  • Operating System : iPhone
  • Current Version: 1.12.6
  • License : FREE 

The usefulness of this application lies in the fact of being able to find ideas to dress searching by items and color, or with a more specific idea in mind, such as "clothes for going out" or "wedding dresses". The best looks are shown on a timeline which the user can easily access to save in his favorites and follow the profiles that he likes the most.

Thus, the next time you go clothes shopping to Stradivarius, Zara o Primark, always have Chicisimo at hand to help you out choosing skirts, trousers, blouses and shirts that match well and suit your style.

If you're looking for the latest version of Chicisimo for iPhone, You have come to the right place. You can download Chicisimo for FREE direct download original file, Scanned with antivirus 100% safe Software.

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