Download Genius 1.1 For iPhone
With Genius you can find out what the lyrics of your favorite songs mean. References, inside jokes or their context can be explained thanks to Genius
Sometimes understanding the lyrics of a song isn't as easy as it seems. Despite how obvious or meaningless they may seem, they may possibly hide a message between the lines that we're missing. Discover the real meaning of any song thanks to Genius for iPhone.
Based on the Rap Genius website, the purpose of which is to explain the meaning of the very often cryptic rap rhymes, we can now find out what's hidden behind the lyrics of each song: their messages, who they're addressed to, the jokes and puns they contain... Everything you need to be able to understand, regardless of how confusing they may be, the lyrics of any song. Although this time around, with the Rap Genius app for iPhone they have gone even further than on the web, as this application covers more music styles, as well as including a music identification tool.
Genius For iPhone Details
- Name : Genius
- Size: 6.8 MB
- Operating System : iPhone
- Current Version: 1.1
- License : FREE
Based on the Rap Genius website, the purpose of which is to explain the meaning of the very often cryptic rap rhymes, we can now find out what's hidden behind the lyrics of each song: their messages, who they're addressed to, the jokes and puns they contain... Everything you need to be able to understand, regardless of how confusing they may be, the lyrics of any song. Although this time around, with the Rap Genius app for iPhone they have gone even further than on the web, as this application covers more music styles, as well as including a music identification tool.
A clear example of a hidden message can be found in N.I.B., a 1969 song by Black Sabbath that was controversial back then as it supposedly meant Nativity in Black and its lyrics told us in first person the story of Lucifer, Lord of Darkness. Years later, the lyricist Geezer Butler declared that all that was simply about the drummer Bill Ward's goatee at that time. Therefore, understanding the poetic skills and resources of your favorite music artists from the very beginning is the reason why it's worth downloading Genius for iPhone.
If you're looking for the latest version of Genius for iPhone, You have come to the right place. You can download Genius for FREE direct download original file, Scanned with antivirus 100% safe Software.