Friday, September 13, 2019

Download WedShoots Android latest Version

Download WedShoots Android latest Version

With WedShoots for Android you can create your own wedding albums in real time based on the photos taken by all of your guests from the mobile phones 

App Information

App: WedShoots Android

Version: Updated

Size: 22.7 MB

This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

WedShoots Android

You know that people take zillions of photos at weddings. If you're thinking of getting married soon and you want to have all your wedding photos grouped into a single album, try out WedShoots. An efficient way of gathering all the photos of a certain event without having to chase anyone. A real-time collaborative wedding album This Android app allows us to share in a single album all the wedding photos taken with different smartphones. Thus, photos that you probably would never have seen will be available in the same place so that you and all your guests can see them. Create an online private photo album to share with your friends and family. Quickly upload the photos from your smartphone. Apply different filters to your images. Real-time picture gallery that makes the new images appear automatically; you can see them during the wedding. Comment and vote the photos. Download the album created by your guests.  

Bring together all your wedding pics in a collaborative album 

Size: 22.7 MB 

OS: Android   

Status: FREE 

Download WedShoots Android here