Saturday, June 13, 2020

Download Pokémon Masters Android latest Version

Download Pokémon Masters Android latest Version

Pokémon Masters is an RPG 3v3 real-time combat game in which we'll control a team of Pokémon trainers and in which we have to complete different missions 

App Information

App: Pokémon Masters Android

Version: Updated

Size: 76.8 MB

This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

Pokémon Masters Android

Pokémon fans have another reason to celebrate because every now and again they can download a new game based on their favorite franchise. Pokémon Masters is the newest release, offering us a real-time multiplayer role-playing game, although some stages are turn-based. The Pokémon-based 3v3 The storyline is split into episodes that, in turn, are also divided into missions in which we have to fight, meet new characters, explore... the gameplay is very similar to that of other titles we've seen lately: 3v3 real-time combats in which we'll control a team of three trainers, each one of them controlling their own Pokémon. By means of a simple interface, we'll control the attacks and the items in our inventory, having to bear in mind our energy levels (which will run out with our attacks and movements). We'll be able to make use of units that we can improve as we complete our missions, with the possibility to repeat stages so we can earn better rewards, different sorts of missions, several types of characters, customization possibilities... and all the latter developed in the Passio region, yet to be explored. What's new in the latest version Adjustments to the difficulty of EX challenges. Changes focused on supercourses. Improvements to team stats.  

The game with 3v3 combats between Pokémon trainers 

Size: 76.8 MB 

OS: Android   

Status: FREE 

Download Pokémon Masters Android here