Monday, September 14, 2020

Download Pokémon Duel Android latest Version

Download Pokémon Duel Android latest Version

Pokémon Duel is a multiplayer turn-based online strategy game for Android that offers you one versus one duels on a panel just like a classic board game 

App Information

App: Pokémon Duel Android

Version: Updated

Size: 84.5 MB

This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

Pokémon Duel Android

At this stage, and unless you've been hibernating over the last year and you've just woken up, you probably already know that Pokémon GO was one of the greatest hits of 2016 thanks to its augmented reality system that allowed us to catch creatures in the real world. Its fans already know the game off by heart, and after catching and hatching all imaginable eggs, discovering all sorts of hacks and cheats, and downloading all the radars ever released, they now need a new incentive to carry on enjoying this universe. The Pokémon-based strategy game So, because they can't get enough with all the updates released, they've just brought a new game in the Western world (it has already been going in Japan for some time). This time around it's a strategy title called Pokémon Duel, which combines the above-mentioned strategy genre with elements from board games, and that has landed on both Android, in APK format, and iOS devices, such as iPhone and iPad. Try to conquer the board by beating your online rivals. How to play? The gameplay offered by this new title is based on the following concepts that you'll have to follow step by step to reach the victory in this title: Step 1: choose 6 creatures at the beginning of the game from those that you've unlocked (as you play, you'll be able to unlock more). Step 2: your target is to reach the point indicated on the board before your rival gets there. Step 3: keep an eye on the number of limited moves each one of your creatures can make as well as their strengths and specific features that can lead you to victory or defeat. The game offers you a series of online duels on a board that you'll have to travel around following the paths indicated, by means of a classic turn-based multiplayer strategy system. However, it also includes elements from RPG card games in which the features of each character define the outcome of the combats. Now that you know, what are you waiting for to battle it out with Pikachu, Snorlax, Blastoise, Charmander and the rest of the troop? All in all, if you're still keen on having a go at this legendary video game that has led to a cartoon series and all sorts of merchandising, just download this APK right now and install it on your device.  

Pokémon's strategy board game 

Size: 84.5 MB 

OS: Android   

Status: FREE 

Download Pokémon Duel Android here