Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Download Word Shuffle Android latest Version

Download Word Shuffle Android latest Version

Word Shuffle is a great game for Android smartphones and tablets all about joining and matching scrambled letters to find the missing word on the panel 

App Information

App: Word Shuffle Android

Version: Updated

Size: 32.6 MB

This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

Word Shuffle Android

Word games are one of the most popular variants of puzzle games and pastimes for Android. In this category, we can find Word Shuffle, a classic game about finding hidden words in which we have to join the letters by dragging our finger over them to compose them. And it's precisely this simplicity which has led it to be a download hit in several languages. It incorporates over a thousand levels of progressive difficulty, starting off with words made of three or four letters. As we advance, the latter will become more complicated, not only due to the number of letters but also because they will be more difficult words, harder to find in a dictionary. Main features These are the main features and functions of this game for smartphone and tablet: Swipe your finger across the screen without lifting it whilst you join the letters that are part of each word. Collect coins finding additional words. Play on over 1,000 different levels. Earn coins as a daily bonus. Modify the order of the letters by pressing the shuffle button. Obtain suggestions thanks to the clues button. Possibility to play without an Internet connection. Prove that you master vocabulary and your capacity to find hidden words. If you've got problems any of the puzzles, you can always resort to different clues. On the one hand, you've got the chance to shuffle the letters to alter the order and change the view of the problem. In turn, you can request clues that will cost you some coins... thus, you'll be able to place letters on the panel that will help you to solve them. If you're a fan of pastimes based on words and letters or other games similar to Aworded, you'll definitely know how to encourage your mental activity by downloading titles likes this one to your Android.  

Entertaining word game for Android 

Size: 32.6 MB 

OS: Android   

Status: FREE 

Download Word Shuffle Android here

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