Monday, February 21, 2022

Download Idle Evil Clicker Android latest Version

Download Idle Evil Clicker Android latest Version

Idle Evil Clicker is an entertaining clicker game for Android in which your goal is to manage hell to get hold of as many sinners' souls as possible 

App Information

App: Idle Evil Clicker Android

Version: Updated

Size: 78.9 MB

This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

Idle Evil Clicker Android

Fed up of farms, theme parks or managing cities? Well, move over to the dark side. Idle Evil Clicker allows you to manage hell itself in this great idle clicker game. Our main target is to win over as many souls as possible by means of the cruelest tortures. If they hadn't behaved badly during their lives, they wouldn't have ended up down there, it's not your fault, it's theirs. Become the cruelest of all demons. Main features In this management game, we can create tortures, hire demons, and harvest souls thanks to the following options: As a demon, you can unlock some really fun torture machines: a whipper, a huge boiling cauldron, a squeaky mirror, a dentist, a huge pile of dishes to be washed... You can hire more and more kinds of demons to help you out in the underworld: guards, pokers, inspectors... Fun and colorful cartoon-like graphics. The tortured sinners are of all sorts and races, and very expressive. We can purchase improvements by advancing through the game, watching adverts of with real-life money.  

Torture the souls of the sinners 

Size: 78.9 MB 

OS: Android   

Status: FREE 

Download Idle Evil Clicker Android here