Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Download Karate Do Android latest Version

Download Karate Do Android latest Version

Enjoy the philosophy of karate with Karate Do, an interesting game for Android that is based on real karate techniques with a peculiar combat system 

App Information

App: Karate Do Android

Version: Updated

Size: 88.3 MB

This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

Karate Do Android

This is one of the few games for Android that, based on real karate techniques, offers players a martial arts title with a bunch of action. And that is all pretty cool but, as it often happens, the more you explore the game and its amazing moves, the further apart from real karate it gets. The epic world of Karate Do awaits you. Create your own Sensei legacy To succeed in Karate Do, you must choose a champion, train him, and make him fight powerful opponents. He will gradually master more and more karate techniques, such as gyaku tsuki or mawashi geri. Choose your favorite techniques and level them up as you earn points and fights. You can play with just one finger while you do push-ups with the other arm. The combat system is quite innovative, as it is slightly based on real karate combat. Your goal is to move backward or forward and, once you are inside your opponent's guard, your character will automatically execute the corresponding technique on the attack wheel. The point system is also more or less based on the current karate combat score system, as you can score one, two, or three points depending on the technique and area of ​​the body that has been hit. Combine the different techniques and train with your sensei to become a true martial arts master. Moreover, you can use the elements to improve your speed, ability, strength, and defense, and acquire different equipment and protections (which you will not see in a real karate competition). On the other hand, it also has several game modes, such as tournaments, championships, and survival battles. At the end of the day, it has little to do with karate, but still, it is cool.  

Master the way of karate 

Size: 88.3 MB 

OS: Android   

Status: FREE 

Download Karate Do Android here