In Marvel Pinball for Androd the tables are dedicated to Marvel characters and comics. Have fun with the classic game that never goes out of fashion
App Information
App: Marvel Pinball Android
Version: Updated
Size: 31 MB
This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.
Pinball games never go out of fashion... there's always an excuse to design a new one and the universe of Marvel's superheroes is as valid as any other one. In fact, Marvel Pinball is a perfect example. Become an Android-based Pinball Wizard If there's a Star Wars pinball, why not a Marvel one? In this game you'll view on your smartphone or tablet a pinball table with comic characters that will continue to wage their particular war between good and evil. Any excuse is good enough for a pinball game. It's a game with absorbing sound effects and graphics, and different thematic tables. On the latter you'll find all your favorite characters: Spiderman, Wolverine, Iron Man, Blade, Ghost Rider, Thor, The Fantastic Four, Captain America... Get hold of them all.
The pinball based on Marvel characters
Size: 31 MB
OS: Android
Status: PAID