Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Download Enigma Express Android latest Version

Download Enigma Express Android latest Version

Enigma Express is a detective game for Android where players have to solve all the puzzles by finding the objects hidden around different scenarios 

App Information

App: Enigma Express Android

Version: Updated

Size: 45 MB

This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

Enigma Express Android

Enigma Express is a game in which players have to solve different puzzles by finding objects that are hidden in different rooms and scenes. These objects are clues that will help us solve the cases. Players are part of the Blue Toad private investigators agency. As a rookie at the Blue Toad detective agency, you are joining a renowned detective on the case of a lifetime. Together you'll travel the world visiting stunning locations and challenging your sleuthing skills! Find all the hidden objects and keep your eyes open This game of finding hidden objects is set in a detective story in which players have to discover intrigues, misdeeds, and mysteries that start with a suspicious bank robbery. From there, we will have to keep track of the objects that have disappeared from their safe, and in order to find them, we will have to solve different puzzles. This puzzle game offers the following features: Investigate the locations of the events and find hidden objects on the screen. Travel the world following the trail of missing objects. Discover many different characters. Share your scores and compete with your friends. Be the best detective and learn from the best as you pair up with super heroine detective Hannah Dakota to spot hidden objects, find all the clues, and catch the culprit before it's too late!  

Discover hidden objects in this puzzle game 

Size: 45 MB 

OS: Android   

Status: FREE 

Download Enigma Express Android here