Friday, August 26, 2022

Download Rebel Inc. Android latest Version

Download Rebel Inc. Android latest Version

Rebel Inc. is a very complete military and political strategy game, where you'll have to use all the resources available to bring an end to the rebellion 

App Information

App: Rebel Inc. Android

Version: Updated

Size: 49.8 MB

This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

Rebel Inc. Android

The war is over. Now it is time to stabilize the country, and that is your mission. The principle objective in the game is to maintain a fine balance between military and civilian priorities in order to win over hearts and minds, while making sure the insurgents don’t overthrow you. It’s not going to be easy. Can you stop the insurgency? Combine your best political and military strategies Rebel Inc. Is all about the complexities of combatting modern counter-insurgency. This game required a lot of research and the collaboration of experts, including politicians, the business community, journalists and international aid organizations. All in order to create a hyper-realistic world in which you have to stabilize five regions, using strategy and a ton of tools. The initiatives that you will have to put into place are very realistic – just like in real life there are two sides to every story, and all of your actions will directly affect situations and people. After all, the popularity of the government is everything. As for the technical aspects, this game has excellent graphics with nice esthetics and an interesting soundtrack that will draw you into the story. Once you have installed the APK file, there is no need for your Android device to be connected to the internet in order to be able to play the game; you are free. One pointer: when you go into the game for the first time, watch both tutorials (civil and military) until the end. This game has so many functions and small details that you won’t be able to pacify the masses without mastering all of the pertinent aspects.  

Put down the rebellion 

Size: 49.8 MB 

OS: Android   

Status: FREE 

Download Rebel Inc. Android here