Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Download Galaxy Control: 3d strategy Android latest Version

Download Galaxy Control: 3d strategy Android latest Version

In Galaxy Control: 3d strategy you'll have to build an army that will allow you to face up with guarantees against all your rivals to control the galaxy 

App Information

App: Galaxy Control: 3d strategy Android

Version: Updated

Size: 84.1 MB

This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

Galaxy Control: 3d strategy Android

In Galaxy Control: 3d strategy you're going to have to fight to control the galaxy and for such purpose you'll build a powerful army. Collect minerals to build the base that you have to defend and where you'll create your military units and weapons. With these resources, you'll face millions of players from all over the world. Build an army that will allow you to dominate the galaxy. Features 3D graphical environment. Defray the construction of your base and the military units by collecting minerals. Create an army with over 10 different units. Face players from all over the world. Unlock achievements and objectives. Different game modes. Get ready to wage an exciting and futuristic battle that will face you up against gamers from all over the world.  

Real-time strategy to control the galaxy 

Size: 84.1 MB 

OS: Android   

Status: FREE 

Download Galaxy Control: 3d strategy Android here