Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Download Corrupt Mayor Clicker Android latest Version

Download Corrupt Mayor Clicker Android latest Version

The new business simulator Corrupt Mayor Clicker offers you plenty of current real-life political affairs as a game. Become rich in a dubious manner 

App Information

App: Corrupt Mayor Clicker Android

Version: Updated

Size: 45 MB

This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

Corrupt Mayor Clicker Android

Are you keen on easy money and business simulation games? Well, Corrupt Mayor Clicker is definitely a game for you. If you become the mayor in this Android game, you can do whatever you want to get rich: steal, swindle, bribe, blackmail, etc. In other words, exactly what our politicians have been doing over the last years. Options to get rich Count bank notes. Make money by rigging votes, with illegal works, increasing taxes, ... Increase your profits by improving how you manage your contracts. Share your Swiss bank account to prove how much you can steal. If you want a clue about how our political thieves feel when they're at it, download Corrupt Mayor Clicker and have fun.  

Become the next Corrupt Mayor 

Size: 45 MB 

OS: Android   

Status: FREE 

Download Corrupt Mayor Clicker Android here