Monday, January 2, 2023

Download Gun Fu: Stickman 2 Android latest Version

Download Gun Fu: Stickman 2 Android latest Version

Have fun with Stickman and all his action in Gun Fu: Stickman 2. Defend yourself against hordes of enemies and customize the character to your own liking 

App Information

App: Gun Fu: Stickman 2 Android

Version: Updated

Size: 62 MB

This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

Gun Fu: Stickman 2 Android

Stickman is back with a new title full of action. Gun Fu: Stickman 2 will put your reflexes to the test, as well as your skills to wipe out the never-ending hordes of enemies that are out there to get you. Excellent graphics and endless action. Features In this game you'll come across the usual features of Stickman games, but also new ones such as the following: Customize the main character with different clothing options. Play in multiplayer mode. New animations. A wide range of weapons to be unlocked. A new challenge featuring Stickman that you can't miss out on if you want to make the most of a great action game.  

Stickman is back with more action 

Size: 62 MB 

OS: Android   

Status: FREE 

Download Gun Fu: Stickman 2 Android here