Sunday, January 15, 2023

Download Interstellar Android latest Version

Download Interstellar Android latest Version

Download Interstellar and travel around the universe that you've created together with other gamers. In Interstellar, physics will determine your journey 

App Information

App: Interstellar Android

Version: Updated

Size: 38 MB

This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

Interstellar Android

We've seen games to create cities, civilizations or even an entire planet. You can now start developing a universe from your Android thanks to Interstellar. Create solar systems, planets, asteroids and black holes that you can share with other users of the application. You an the rest of users will create a universe to be explored. This interesting game is based on the movie Interstellar, written and directed by Christopher Nolan (director of Inception, Memento and several movies from the Batman saga, among others), and starred by Matthew McConaughey and Anne Hathaway. In this movie, its main characters explore the boundaries of the universe using wormholes. Features Create your own solar system. Customize planets, stars and asteroids. Pilot your spaceship around the solar systems created by other players. Use gravity fields to move around and don't run out of fuel. Avoid black holes. Improve your spacecraft and increase its performance. Physics will determine your journey The rest of solar systems created by users can be explored with Endurance, the spacecraft with which you're going to have to take into account the basic principles of astrophysics and make use of gravity forces and wormholes to move around the universe. Download Interstellar for Android and start an exciting journey around the cosmos.  

An exciting journey around the cosmos 

Size: 38 MB 

OS: Android   

Status: FREE 

Download Interstellar Android here