Saturday, February 4, 2023

Download I Love Hue Android latest Version

Download I Love Hue Android latest Version

Are you in need of a break? I Love Hue is a simple piece of entertainment which plays with different color tones and soft melodies to help us relax 

App Information

App: I Love Hue Android

Version: Updated

Size: 30 MB

This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

I Love Hue Android

The studio Zut! brings us this original puzzle game in which we will have to use our ingenuity and our chromatic perception to pass each level. The aim is to complete a mosaic puzzle of colours, completing the ranges according to the tones, while enjoying a moment of visual and spiritual tranquillity. I Love Hue is a relaxing journey into a world of colour and perception. Feel the chromatic harmony As we complete missions we will get hearts that will, in turn, help us continue to advance through the more than 900 levels. Our journey towards serenity is composed of several themes with different color spectrums that are increasing in complexity: Vision. Mission. Magic. Dream Alchemy. Color, chaos, imagination, logic and perception are masterfully mixed with the exploration of new chromatic perceptions, inviting us to participate in an experience of self-discovery and tranquility. And all this by simply changing the position of coloured tesserae. It has been created with love and care both for players who enjoy puzzle games and for anyone who needs a few moments of visual tranquility. The minimalist aesthetics of I Love Hue is a real hit, offering a playable work of art that we can relax with on our Android device. Immerse yourself in a world of light and colour and forget about your daily worries.  

Feel the harmony through relaxing colorful puzzles 

Size: 30 MB 

OS: Android   

Status: FREE 

Download I Love Hue Android here