Saturday, April 1, 2023

Download Mazes & More Android latest Version

Download Mazes & More Android latest Version

Find the way out of the maze when you play Mazes & More, an Android title that will challenge you to take a ball to the exit of intricate labyrinths 

App Information

App: Mazes & More Android

Version: Updated

Size: 18.1 MB

This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

Mazes & More Android

How good are you at getting out of a maze? You can test yourself with Mazes & More, a fun game that challenges you to find the way out of intricate mazes on your cell phone screen. Slide your finger across the screen at the points where you want the ball to turn (always when there are different possible paths). It is very easy to control the ball, so as not to interfere with what really matters: finding the exit. Features Maze games for Android. Retro-looking 2D graphics. 450 hand-designed levels, no artificial intelligence or automatic generation. 6 different game modes. Difficulty increases gradually. Get clues as you go. You can get the most out of this game by exploring the different modes it has to offer. They provide variety to the game and pose a challenge, for example, by placing ice in different parts of the maze so that you cannot stop the ball’s momentum, throwing different Pac-Man style figures at you that you have to avoid, and hiding most of the maze and revealing only the corridors that are immediately around us. As you can see, the challenges are many and varied. If you add to the mix four and a half hundred levels at your fingertips, you have got yourself the perfect casual game. Test your perception and visual memory skills by downloading Mazes & More for Android.  

A game of mazes with hundreds of levels 

Size: 18.1 MB 

OS: Android   

Status: FREE 

Download Mazes & More Android here