Alphabear 2 is an entertaining word game in which, accompanied by a large group of animals, you have to build words with the tiles available on each panel
App Information
App: Alphabear 2 Android
Version: Updated
Size: 42 MB
This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.
We all remember the successful Triple Crown game in which a player had to build the best possible city. Now, its developers are back with a totally different game in which you have to build words surrounded by bears, koalas, pandas and all sorts of plantigrades: Alphabear 2. Help the bears grow. Features of Alphabear The player's goal in Alphabear is to build words with the Scrabble-type tiles included in the game. Each time a word is found, the bear will grow and bring along friends that also need to grow. It's a renovated classic game with minimalistic graphics and cute characters that everyone will love.
A beasty word game
Size: 42 MB
OS: Android
Status: FREE