Build your own world set in the Middle Ages with Medieval Craft. You'll explore oceans and vast territories and build castles and villages with blocks
App Information
App: Medieval Craft Android
Version: Updated
Size: 23.5 MB
This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.
Minecraft is a game that has set a standard. This sandbox building title has led to quite a few games based on its same aspect and philosophy, and that's also the case of Medieval Craft. A medieval Minecraft for Android Here we can build worlds based on a commercial point of view of the Middle Ages. In other words, plenty of castles, knights, treasures and all the rest (but without any sign of plagues, religious fanatism, food crisis or social conflicts... we've just come to play and have a good time). Build your own vision of the medieval era. Main features This game isn't too different to Mojang's successful creation and, in fact, it has quite a few functions in common with the latter: Explore caves and mines searching for diamonds, gold and other precious metals. Build houses and castles using blocks. Create chests to store different objects you'll find throughout the game. Explore the seven seas on your ships. Different game modes.
A Minecraft set in the Middle Ages
Size: 23.5 MB
OS: Android
Status: FREE