Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Download Mobile Tracker Android latest Version

Download Mobile Tracker Android latest Version

If you want your family or friends to know where you are for security reasons or want to locate your cellphone in case you lose it, download Mobile Tracker 

App Information

App: Mobile Tracker Android

Version: Updated

Size: 5.8 MB

This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

Mobile Tracker Android

We have to start by acknowledging that nobody should ever have to be afraid. Everyone has the right to live in peace and not worry about being assaulted on the street, having his or her house burgled or any horrible experience like that. We are aware that alarm and insurance companies are specialists in these types of issues. However, we also think that it is better to be safe than sorry, and today's smartphones provide the perfect way to be on the safe side. With a free app like Mobile Tracker, you can, for example, use the device’s GPS signal to share your location with a selected family member and even send messages if you suspect you can be in potential danger. With this app, you will never have to walk home alone. Main Features Thanks to this application, users can enjoy the following options: Geolocate the phone and find it in case they have lost it or had it stolen. View or share GPS location in real-time with friends and/or family. The app is enabled for satellite or hybrid display. Users can send messages or notifications to the contacts they preset (free of charge, via data connection). The Street View mode can be activated, if needed. Download Mobile Tracker and feel safe!  

Share your GPS location 

Size: 5.8 MB 

OS: Android   

Status: FREE 

Download Mobile Tracker Android here