Thursday, April 6, 2023

Download LINE Rangers Android latest Version

Download LINE Rangers Android latest Version

LINE Rangers is a tower defense strategy game that combines RPG elements with characters that evolve throughout different action-packed situations 

App Information

App: LINE Rangers Android

Version: Updated

Size: 87.3 MB

This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

LINE Rangers Android

LINE Rangers is one of the games created by the development studio behind the famous instant messaging and chat application. It's a game that combines the strategy and RPG genres and that places on the scenario of an alien invasion. Our mission is to rescue Sally who has been kidnapped by the Martians and fend off the attack. Rescue Sally from your alien captors Halfway between an RPG and a tower-defense strategy game, it offers us entertaining and crazy situations featuring mad characters, many of which are quite common within the LINE ecosystem. These are the main features of this game: Create your own team with the LINE characters which you'll recognize through their stickers. System to make the characters evolve. Equip your warriors with all sorts of weapons, protections, and armor. Different battle modes that include special levels and even a PvP mode. Team up with your friends. Create all the materials you need to make the characters evolve in your laboratory. If you're into tower defense strategy games in which you can come across characters that evolve and ever-changing situations, download this APK right now.  

RPG strategy game featuring the characters created by LINE 

Size: 87.3 MB 

OS: Android   

Status: FREE 

Download LINE Rangers Android here