Saturday, April 8, 2023

Download Weeder Match Android latest Version

Download Weeder Match Android latest Version

Cutting the grass with a proper lawnmower is too easy... Weeder Match for Android lets you cut it in a much more entertaining manner: throwing shurikens 

App Information

App: Weeder Match Android

Version: Updated

Size: 56.5 MB

This is playstore app alternative for android smart phone. all files contained in this web is an app for Android device only.

Weeder Match Android

Who said cutting the grass was boring? That all depends on your enthusiasm or the tools available for such purpose. Walking around the garden with a classic lawnmower can be boring but what if you could cut the grass with ninja stars? Cut the grass with your shurikens Weeder Match is a simple casual game with 3D graphics in which we precisely have to cut the grass by throwing shurikens non-stop to leave it completely level. Each time you finish cutting a plot, a new one will appear. You'll gradually manage to unlock new tools to help you cut it faster, such as an automatic lawnmower, a sickle, an axe, a UFO, a laser beam or even Captain America's vibranium shield. The game includes adverts but not too many: it shows us a video every now and again between plot and plot (not always), a tiny banner at the bottom of the screen, and it allows us to watch additional videos to unlock in-game elements or multiply the coins we earn with each plot of grass.  

Cut the grass with ninja stars 

Size: 56.5 MB 

OS: Android   

Status: FREE 

Download Weeder Match Android here